Conquering The Galaxy One World At A Time
Veterans with Grenadiers Doctrine supported by a Scout Sentinel
On Sunday, May 16, 2010, I participated in a Warhammer 40K Kill Teams tournament at Jersey Shore Hobby Center in Brielle, New Jersey.
For those who don't know, Kill Teams is like a hybrid of Warhammer Skirmish and Necromunda. Your 200 point army list is limited to 0-1 Elites, 0-2 Troops, and 0-1 Fast Attack. Each model moves as its own unit and when one side has lost 50% of their models, they have to make a leadership test at the begining of the round to continue. Also, up to three models can be given Universal Special Rules (but they must be different abilities, no duplications).
My team consisted of IG Veterans with the Grenadiers doctrine (gave everyone carapace armour), plasma gun, heavy flamer, grenade launcher, & power weapon for the sargeant backed up by a scout Sentinel with autocannon & Hunter Killer missile. I had 200 points exactly.
My apologies if my commentary on the event is a wee bit biased...
Round One: Craftworld Eldar Bikers On Jungle World
It ain't over till it's over...
My first game was interesting. My opponent fielded an entire squad of Jetbikes led by a Warlock on Jetbike. It was annoying the way he could move, shoot four times, and then fly away again every round. The vet with the grenade launcher dropped a bike or two and the Sentinel took out the warlock with a hunter killer missile. This only happened because my opponent said, 'I'm not scared of your Sentinel. It's imobilized and has no autcannon. It'll -never- hit me with that Hunter Killer.' Then the enraged Eldar came back with a vengeance, gunning down a ton of half-alien veterans. It seemed like things were grim for our hybrid heroes. But the ugly multi-armed bald guys managed a surprise win in the fourth round.
Today's Lesson: Warlocks don't like the taste of Hunter Killer missiles
Round Two: Black Dragon Space Marines On Feudal World
You would think at least one of this guys could wound the marine!
This game was painful. Not only was I battling my best friend Justin (whom I've never beaten in 40K since he got me hooked on miniature games in high school) but I made some really stupid mistakes. Firstly, I gave the Infiltrate USR to my Sentinel and tried to sneak up on his Melta Gunner. I got too close and he got the first turn. Secondly, the table was not in my favor. I hugged the terrain for cover and tried to win a shoot-out against Space Marines. That scenario is like a single Grot trying to destroy a Dreadnought in close combat. I also fared horribly in close combat as my Sarge with Furious Charge & a power weapon couldn't take out the Melta Gunner that was already in combat with two other vets! Those two failed morale and ran off the table while Justin gunned down every last remaining model. At least I went down fighting.
Today's Lesson: Never infiltrate your vehicle near the guy designed to blow up vehicles
Round Three: Cadians On Jungle World
Just wait until that Sentinel gets into close combat...
This was a close match. My enemy also used Veteran Guardsmen in carapace armor but he eschewed special weapons in favor of ratlings and he had a freakin' Chimera! I didn't take one because I thought it would be unfair to take an armored personel carrier in such a small game. At least a Scout Sentinel can be taken out with small arms fire. I made the mistake of marching the Sentinel against the Chimera. It was quickly disarmed. But my opponent didn't count on my Sentinel punting a couple of his guys in close combat. It was really down to the wire and the game could have easily gone either way. I blew a leadership test and gave my opponent his first (only?) win of the day.
Today's Lesson: Don't waste ammo on Chimeras
Round Four: Fire Hawk Space Marines On Ruins World
It's not a planet, it's a shooting gallery!
I can't believe how fast this game went. Probably because the judge explained to me that I was using the rapid fire rules incorrectly (I should have been shooting twice as often the whole tournament!) My Sentinel's scout move had me taking pot shots at Fire Hawks in the first round. The marines slowly strode towards me while I just lit them up with lasguns, krack grneades, and autocannon shots. My opponent quickly lost a lot of Marines and rolled boxcars for his leadership test. I think my only casualty was when my plasma gun overheated.
Today's Lesson: You mean I can move six inches and still fire twice with lasguns? Freakin' Sweet!
Round Five: Sisters Of Hello Kitty On Cityfight World
This is no joke; this was my opponent's nigh-invulnerable troop transport.
Not so bloody tough without your Immolater, are you?!
You may not believe me, but this was one of the most important games of the day. My opponent was crushing everyone. He won some of his games in less than five minutes! His secret? He took an Immolater and had his five Sisters with meltas & flamers embarked inside. And here I thought a Chimera was cheap! My opponent preferred the City Fight table because he could just run down the alleys and scorch the clumps of bottle-necked enemies. He didn't expect my lowly hybrid with a grenade launcher destroying the Immolater so early on. Then I swarmed him and slew every last Sister within two rounds. What I didn't know is that my victory knocked the guy out of the running for first place. Suddenly I was in a four way tie for third place! I apparently was not expected to win. My surprise victory threw off the expected results for the whole tournament! I found out later that my opponent got to choose his opponent & table for round five. I guess he had me pegged for an easy win since I had little armor and few heavy hitters. The City Fight table would have just made it that much easier to immolate me. I guess my faith in the Patriarch was stronger than his faith in Hello Kitty!
Today's Lesson: Grenade lauchers are well worth the 5 points.
Round Six: Space Wolves On Jungle World
Picture taken moments before the exploding Sentinel killed three quarters of the remaining cultists
I should have known I was in trouble when I saw my opponent had eight close-combat Space Wolves and a Lone Wolf character in a 200 point game. I was under the impression that Space Wolves had so many rules that they costed a ton of points and would have significantly less models on the table. Being a Kill Teams game, I split my forces up to take advantage of the board. Meanwhile, my enemy played the game like it was any other 40K game; he kept everyone in a big clusterhump and blundered towards me. He had trouble keeping his USR's straight and that damn Lone Wolf had Feel No Pain (among a dozen other rules) along with a plasma pistol and power fist. I couldn't get the Space Wolves to fail any armor saves and he was closing in on me. Catastrophe came when his sergeant with powersword assaulted the Sentinel and blew it up. The resulting fireball miraculously killed almost all my remaining models while none of his were even wounded. In a last ditch effort, my Sarge charged his special character, couldn't wound the cheesy bugger, and was mashed into paste. And the during whole game, my opponent was roughly pushing aside my models (that I had spent the last 36 hours painting) across the table while the Hello Kitty Sister guy is cheering like he's watching his favorite team win the Stanley Cup. So no Space Wolves were harmed and all my guys died. I'm not bitter but I should have asked to see the kid's Codex. At least he didn't scratch any of my models.
Today's Lesson: If something doesn't seem right, ask to see your opponent's army list and/or Codex.
Final Outcome: Three Wins and Three Losses
Not only did I fare better than expected, I think I came in fourth or fifth out of ten players.
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